Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 297 – On The Fly Show!

This show is very different, kind of flying by the seat of my pants… Sorry about that. Hope you do still enjoy it.
Thanks for listening, and hope to have you listening again.

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Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 296 – Short And Sniffly

UPDATE: APOLOGIES – Apparently during transfer all audio was lost. I have no saved copy of this episode. Looks like another week with a missed episode as there is no time to record it again.
Warlock Wednesday Episode #296!
This week’s show is a bit of a short one. I apologize for the sniffles, as I am dealing with allergies and other issues at the moment. Sadly we lost one of the great producers this week in Gary Kurtz. There is no Box Office Report from Ireland this week. Also there is very little actual news this week, so the one Super Hero Movie Time news I bring up is just included as part of the Entertainment News. Also, debuting a new Entertainment News intro as I realized the old one still referenced Ehnother Podcast and not the new network. No offense meant to my brothers there, but on my own now.
Thanks for listening.
Hope you enjoy the show, and come back next week!

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Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 295 – Superman Out!?

Warlock Wednesday Episode #295!
Another missed show last week, and I do apologise. It’s sometimes very tough to work full time and do three podcasts a week. So I hope you can forgive me. This week is a good show as we have pretty much all your normal segments. From Comic Book Releases to Super Hero Movie Time, it’s all the week’s news in one location.
Thanks for listening.
Hope you enjoy the show, and come back next week!

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Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 294 – Comic Conventions In Trouble?

Warlock Wednesday Episode #294!
Really short show this week. Apologies for last week as work and my birthday got in the way a little bit. However, I am back this week… even with the short show. One topic of the show is that San Diego Comic Con may have just accomplished the douche-ist thing ever and Comic Conventions around the world have to take notice I am sure.
Thanks for listening.
Hope you enjoy the show, and come back next week!

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Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 293 – R.I.P. Aretha Franklin

Warlock Wednesday Episode #293!
R.I.P. Aretha Franklin
Thanks for listening.
Hope you enjoy the show, and come back next week!

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Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 292 – Neon Skies The Limit!

Warlock Wednesday Episode #292!
Back this week with another show and this time there is sadly a Death Corner notice. Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart of WWE fame passed away this week. A glimmer of a small chance of hope in the re-hiring of James Gunn as Marvel Studios is going to bat for the wrongfully fired director. Plus all your regular segments: Comic Book Releases; Box Office Reports; New Movie Releases; Entertainment News; and Super Hero Movie Time.
Thanks for listening.
Hope you enjoy the show, and come back next week!

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Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 291 – Shortest Show Ever? Maybe!

That is all.

Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoyed the show.

Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 290 – Allergies and Brain Farts!

Sorry folks, no write up this week.
Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy.

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Warlock Wednesday’s Episode 289 – Re-Hire James Gunn!!!

Warlock Wednesday Episode #289!
This week I am back and bring you a show that means a lot to me personally. Sure, you’re regular segments are all here. We have the Death Corner where we pay respect to Jon Schnepp who passed away after a stroke at only 51 years old. Then I bring you your Comic Book Releases; Box Office Reports; New Movie Releases; Entertainment News; and of course Super Hero Movie Time. At the end of Super Hero Movie Time I have a rant and opinion on the firing of James Gunn th?is past weekend. Not going to go into it here, but please listen to the show if you’d like to know more.
Thanks for listening.
Hope you enjoy the show, and come back next week!

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